Good Diet vs. Bad Diet and Nutrition

Good Diet vs. Bad Diet

*Good Diet consist a balanced diet, which means eating the right amount of food for how active you are and the intake of calories.

*Bad Diet is the total opposite of Good Diet and balanced diet, the risk of getting exposure diabetes is high... (more information will be below.)

Good Examples of a Good Diet intake (s)





How are the examples above appropriate to be included as a good diet intake?

Considering the balanced amount of nutrition that is divided into three different ways to eat properly and healthy. Also, it also helps lose weight by controlling your diet not to extremely but in a moderate way.

- Eating properly

Bad Examples of a Bad Diet intake

Drinking Soda Drinks regularly

Eating way too much without exercising

How are the examples above approved as bad diet intake?

Drinking soda drinks and over eating are well-known as the common cause of obesity, especially if the individual does not exercise regularly or none at all.

Alternative junk foods

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